RE-ACT Workshop


Developed in collaboration with EAVE, the workshop is dedicated to strategic company planning, potential risk evaluation and company diversification. 12 producers will have the opportunity to discuss their company structures and management practices together with high-profile industry experts during 5 days, to tackle the business side of running a film company.
The workshop will address topics such as: How to structure my company more efficiently? How to grow as a company? How to sustain a viable business? An intensive event for independent producers, aimed at reinforcing their managerial and financial capacity to compete successfully in European and global markets and to run sustainable companies.
The approach will combine the EAVE group work method with company case studies, inspiring new business models and individual consultancies. The sessions will be led by experienced producers Riina Sildos (Amrion, Estonia) and Sophie Erbs (Gaijin, France), with additional contributions from Edwin Goldman (Goldman Films, The Netherlands).
The event will be held from 16 to 20 September, location to be confirmed shortly. The call is now closed.