Co-Development Funding Scheme

In the eighth round of co-development funding in 2022, out of 40 applications in total, 8 projects were chosen and awarded with 10.000 euros each.

A list of selected projects for the year 2022:

  1. Fear
    directed by Nina Violić, produced by Terminal 3, Croatia
  2. Milch Cow
    directed by Miroslav Sikavica, produced by Pipser production, Croatia
  3. Eve's Mother
    directed by Stefania Rocca, produced by Myro Communications, FVG - Italy
  4. Where roses do not bloom
    directed by Marta Zaccaron, produced by Incipit Film, FVG - Italy
  5. Sunset
    directed by Miloš Jaćimović, produced by Film House Bas Celik, Serbia
  6. When the Kids Sing the hits
    directed by Mina Djukic, produced by SENSE Production, Serbia
  7. Beasts
    directed by Maja Križnik, produced by December, Slovenia
  8. Lost Years
    directed by Aron Horvath, produced by Temporama, Slovenia